
maandag 1 november 2010

Essence Metallics (magnetic nailpolish) swatches

Saturday I went shopping in Germany and I saw the Essence Metallics LE collection. I just had to buy them :) A bought them all, and the Essence magnet to create the magnetic effect (I didn't used this magnet for the swatches).
There are 5 colors in this collection: 01 Iron Goddess, 02 Copper Rulez, 03 Steel Me, 04 Nothing Else Metals and 05 Metal Battle. The last one isn't a magnetic polish.

Here you can see them swatched on a wheel. This is the only picture I could take without flash or artificial light.

Swatched on a wheel, photo with artificial light.

I have also some swatches on my own natural nails. I have to say they aren't the best swatches (a did it in a hurry) and it is difficult to take picture of the magnetic effect. It's really dark, grey, rainy outside so I don't have good light. But when I take photo's with flash the flash really reflect in the magnetic effect. So I took them under artificial light without flash. The main thing is you can get an idea of how the polishes are. The colors are quit accurate.

01 Iron Goddess, photo without flash under artificial light. One thick coat.

02 Copper Rulez, photo without flash under artificial light. One thick coat. This is my personal favorite, I think the effect is really showing the best with this color.

03 Steel me, photo without flash under artificial light. One thick coat.

04 Nothing Else Metals, photo without flash under artificial light. One thick coat.

05 Metal Battle, photo with flash under artifical light. I had to take this one with flash so you can see that it isn't just an plain black polish.

I really like these polished but I did'n use the Essence magnet. That magnet is very weak and the effect you create with it is minimal or with some colors not showing at all. It could be me (I saw on Parokeets blog a wheel swatch with that magnet), but I used a strong refrigerator magnet instead. Most magenets create lines and it's up to you how you want them on your nails, vertical, horizantal or like how I did it. This refrigerator magent created lines with a 0,5 cm space between them. The Essence magnet lines are really small probably 0,2 cm space between them as you can see on the picture below.
Pattern with Essence magnet. Like I said I personally find it hard to create a good showing effect with this magnet.

Ofcourse I also had to try some simple Konad on it ;)

If I can get my hands on more of these polishes I might organize a GIVEAWAY with a couple of them. My plan was to have a giveaway when I have 75 or 100 followers but that is going to take a while ;)

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Copper Rulz and Steel Me are the best!

  2. You are so lucky to have these, I love most of them, especially copper rules. Great pictures and your nails are lovely as ever.
    Going to twitter and facebook this article right now and hope you'll have an extra follower or two so you'll have that giveaway real soon!!!!

  3. When I started to read review I couldn't stop wondering how in hell you managed to get such a strong effect with crappy Essence magnet ... and the I got to the part in which you say you used kitchen magnet. :))))))
    Great job.

  4. wow helemaal te gekke kleuren hopelijk zien we ze ook in nederland!!

  5. @ Polishsis thank you :) I don't have twitter or facebook.

    @ Gejba yeah sorry it is kinda confusing, so I changed it and mentioned it in the beginning ;)

    @ Tsissfamke ja als het goed is november/december dus zou ieder moment kunnen :)

  6. supermooi diana! vind copper rules en nothing else metals errug mooi! weet je of ze snel naar nederland komen?


  7. Wauw deze lakjes zijn echt geweeeeeldig.

    En whooaa hebben ze deze al in duitsland?? Aaah :O

  8. @ Noortje ja ze zouden ieder moment ook hier kunnen zijn, maarja je weet het maar nooit hier. Voor je het weet is weer alles weg :(

    @ Sam ja afgelopen weekend wel (weet niet hoe dol ze daar er op zijn anders misschien daar ook al weer uitverkocht ;))

  9. your tagged by me your blog diana"met je prachtige Nailart "

  10. I'm your 50' follower! :) I'd like to have those fab nail polishes! I hope to find them :)

  11. @ Tsiisfamke..thanks how sweet don't really know yet how tags work but thank you :)

    @ Alice..I'm looking for more of them and if I found them I'll have a giveaway with a few :)

  12. ik heb ze vanmiddag ook gekocht maar die magneet die je erbij kan kopen is idd waardeloos nu nog op zoek naar een magneet in huis lol.
