
vrijdag 12 november 2010

Greece Chios week 3

The weather is really bad here in Holland it's rainy and there is a really strong wind. I almost forgot to post the creation of my third and final week of my vacation. So now is the perfect time because I sure can use a few summer pictures to remember to good sunny times ;) The theme on my nails this vacation week was flowers, I took pictures of them everywhere, with a flower, in the sea and at the beach.

As a base I'm wearing OPI Don't Socra Tease Me I stamped with Manhatten Black and Konad PSN White used plate M75. I made yellow and pink dots in the flowers (Konad SN yellow and psyche pink), I didn't bring a dotting tool so I had to improvise and used the tip of a fork :) hahahaha.

My hand and foot at the beach.

My hand in front of the sea.

My feet lying at the beach.

My hand with a soda can of Mast, a real Chios soda drink with natural mastic in it. The island is famous for their mastic. Mastic is resin (don't know if you call it like that I would say wax or something haha) from the Mastic tree, that only grows on Chios. They use it in food, candy, gum, drinks, cosmetics etc. I also have a wonderful hand cream with mastic. Mastic is also known for several medical purposes.

My hands under water.
My feet under water. I also made a picture like this last year, but I find it so funny how everything deforms under water.

And then suddenly my nailart and foot was ruined :( I stepped in some oil on the beach.

It was soooo nasty and really thick, my boyfriend and I scraped some of it off with stones. But I couldn't even wear my flip flop because that was made of white fabric and I didn't want to make it dirty as well. So I walked on one bare foot and one flip flop to the quad/ATV and we had to drive more then one hour to our apartment. So I was holding my flip flop and sitting there with one bare foot, not the most safest footwear for a quad/ATV ;) Not that flip flops are safe but then I felt like I at least had something under my foot.

Luckily the owner of the apartments could help me and had something to clean it up with. So here you see me happy cleaning my foot :) And my toes and nailart became visable again.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. aaa goed idee van je om met dit weer die heerlijke foto's te laten zien! Waarmee heb je de teer er nou af gekregen?

    Hele mooie creatie en die kleur komt op mijn wishlist!

  2. @ Thriszha thank you :)

    @ Michelle haha ja was de regen zo zat :( Ik weet niet een 1 of ander rood olie achtig goedje, kwam hij mee aan zetten. Denk een soort wasbenzine ofzo. Was al lang blij dat t eraf was.

    Het is echt een super kleurtje alleen droogde wel slecht maar dat kan ook aan t klimaat ofzo gelegen hebben (en ik gebruik geen seche oid)

  3. Super cool pics, I also save some summer sunny pics to cheer me up ^_^, bad weather here in Ohio too :(.

  4. this is gorgeous!! and you were able to do it during you vacation? wow!! I am always very lazy on my vacations. did you bring a lot of polish with you?

  5. @ Arie... thank you, sunny summer pics are always a nice way to cheer up :) I hate bad weather, but I do like snow ;) but we don't have that a lot here.

    @ Shortwidenails...thanks :) I always go 3 weeks and my nailpolish stays perfect for about week even in the sea and sand :) So I brought 3 different colors, a top and base coat and some mini stamping polish and 3 or 4 different stamping plates. Doing my nails on vacation is for me a part of my vacation and then taking different pictures of it is a lot of fun. But I also do it very relaxed sitting on the balcony with sea view :) When others might read a book there I do my nails :)

  6. Cute mani&pedi! I've also been to Greece this summer, and although I didn't step into any oil spots, I've lost like half of my hair cuz of intensive sun :( But the sea water and sand 'peeling' made my nails much stronger - that's was a positive side! :)
