
maandag 16 mei 2011

Flowers, pink, sailing and holo (Nfu Oh) all things I love ♥

Last week I mentioned I had Nfu Oh 63 on my nails and I wanted to post that friday but blogger was down. And in the weekends I normally am not online. So I will show you this today. Not last weekend but the weekend before that we hired a small moterboat in Giethoorn, and my best friend, his girlfriend, my boyfriend and I had so much fun that day. Ofcourse I took some photos of my nails there, the last time I was there I took the photo that is my blog logo now with the big water lily. I wanted take a new one with a lily but unfortunately it was to early in the season and the lilies were not in bloom yet. I did take some other nature photos. So I have a lot of photo spam for you :)

Base Nfu Oh 63, self made water decals of this cute pink flower (Frangipani). Stamped with XL plate B and OPI Rosy Mistletoe-sies.

Photo made from to boat in the background some sort of a small windmill.

It was such a beautiful sunny hot day ♥

Debora ♥ Dennis aren't they cute. (she is the one who always gets me those nice Brazilian nail polishes).

They call Giethoorn also the Dutch Venice because of all the water and bridges.

Just a pretty photo :)

Me and my boyfriend captain Dave ;) He's was at the rudder most of the time.

Some cows.

 Isn't he sweet?

Me at the rudder :)

Now here are the regular photos ;) I also took a few because with decals and holo it sometimes is difficult to take a good photo.

Photo with flash under artificial light.

 Photo with flash.

 Without flash or any direct (sun) light. So you can see the decals a bit better.

Without flash under artificial light.

Ofcourse I also took some swatch photos:

With flash.

 With flash a bit of different angle.

 With flash different angle...look at the rainbow ♥

 With flash under artificial light.

Without flash under artificial light.

I sooo totally love Nfu Oh holo's and also loved this creation I had it on my nails for more then a week.

I also painted my toe nails. I wasn't really matching but it did matched a lillte bit because I used this Nfu Oh for stamping. For those of you who don't like the see foot photos..... DON'T look ;)

 Base Teeez Outta Control a beautiful bright dark purple holo nail polish.

I stamped some flowers from XL plate F with Nfu Oh 63 and Nfu Oh 65.


14 opmerkingen:

  1. Oeeh wat mooi zeg :D Echt heel leuk dat je zoveel foto's hebt gepost ;)

  2. Ohh romantic trip :)
    The nail are simply wonderful. I like so much that on the toes. Pink / Purple... they're my colors! ;)

  3. Alweer zo'n mooie manicure!
    Geweldig kleurtje is dit

  4. amazing pictures and an amazing manicure!


  5. Superlieve foto's van jou en je vriend en jullie vrienden! :D En mooie nageltjes natuurlijk. :)

  6. I think this is the perfect manicure. So pretty and unique!

  7. Nfu Oh is really gorgeous! I love your mani and the cows are so sweet...^^

  8. Okay I dont know what to comment on many photos!! Lets see, The nature pictures are just breathtaking, i love looking at your blog posts-its nature+art= Arture <3 (Corny i know) You and your boyfriend look suupperr cute: It's Captain and his mermaid!! And last I believe that polish is on my wishlist now, it is soo pretty Nfu, is Oh So hypnotic!!

  9. beautiful!

  10. Love the pictures and love the nails :-)

  11. Aw that looks like so much fun! I love looking at holo polish outside... it's distracting :)

  12. Thank you guys so much <3

    @ Mikayla your comment made me laugh and my boyfriend looked really weird at why are you laughing.
