
dinsdag 23 augustus 2011

I stop Blogging for now!

Dear  readers/ followers/ commenters ;)

I'm not feeling very well for many reasons and my mind isn't really into blogging. So I decided to stop with my blog for a while.

As some of you may have read a couple of months ago, my mom has a really rare kind of cancer, we keep receiving negative news after negative news :( I thought blogging and commenting (is that a word?) on your blogs was a nice distraction but I'm not thinking, reading, writing clearly which may lead to mistakes so it's better for me to take a break.

I'm also going on holiday next month, with my mom being so sick I find it really difficult to go but she insisted that we go and we have to enjoy it for her, and then when we come back she can watch the photos. And she wants to receive text messages of the things we do there so she can imagine she is there too. She and my dad are (just like my boyfriend and I) big Greek Island lovers ♥

(some of you may remember these Greek nails from last year)

I want to thank of all you who read (and comment on) my blog. I'm not going to forget you (and your lovely blogs) I'll will be back but I don't know when. I still do my nails 1 or 2 times a week, so when I decide to start blogging again I have enough to show you ;)

Bye bye for now ♥


34 opmerkingen:

  1. Enjoy your vacation!

    I'm sending you all lots of positive energy!

  2. Hey, Diana! It's so sad to hear that you're getting bad news about your mother's illness. I sincerely hope that they start giving you some good ones as well. Take your time and if you ever decide to come back, I'll be here. I wish you all the best - for you and your loved ones.

    P.S: I remember these nails. You always put so much effort in your nail art.

    Hugs and kisses

  3. Diana,
    You need to do what is best for you! Of course we enjoy all the work you put into your manicures but you are completely right about taking a break!
    Take all the time you need and spend it with your mother! She is right you need to go on your trip and have fun because it will make her happy!

    lots of love to you and your family!

  4. Sorry for you..
    I hope everything is gonna be fine!
    have a great vacation time and enjoy it for all of us!
    too bad to see you leave but it's totally understandable!

  5. Sterkte meis, in deze klote tijd! Echter hoop ik dat je toch probeert om een beetje van je vakantie te genieten.

  6. I'm really sorry for recieving bad news and I hope from now it will be better and better. Anyway enjoy your vacation and when you'll decide to come back, i'll be so happy to see your nail designs as much as I do now :)

  7. My mom had a cancer too so I know how you both feel. Be strong and optimistic and don´t stress - it is the worst thing you can do.

  8. I'm sorry for your bad news! Take all the time you need... We'll be waiting for you! XOXOX

  9. I send you and your family my best wishes!

  10. Dear Diana, It's a wise decision to make for you in this times. Wishing you and your family all the best and hope and pray for better times to come!

    The greek nails are the best! You know that from me...

  11. Hoi Diana!
    Wat zonde van je blog, maar je mama gaat uiteraard voor! Ik hoop dat je wat kan genieten van je verlof en enorm veel foto's maakt voor haar! Ik hoop dat je uit je verlof terug wat kracht kan putten, zowel voor jezelf als voor haar.
    Oh, en ook ik ben een Griekenland fan ;-)

  12. Aww I am sorry the news can't be better but keep a positive attitude and try and be strong. I will send you tons of positive thoughts for you and your family. Take all the time you need and enjoy your vacation. We will be here when you decide to come back and you will be in our thoughts :)

  13. Diana, dear..
    I was soo sad after I read your post.. but what I want is that you think only in a optimistic way: bad news are always changed by good ones, it's just a matter of time. I wish your whole family to be strong and to believe.. I really hope for a positive outcome.
    Although I understand that you need a break, I will miss your posts and your nails. Please come back soon and tell us that everything's alright now!
    Have an awesome time on Greek islands (I love them too, because apart from their charm it's the origin of my bf) and let your mom gets better!

  14. Feel better soon hun, forget your blog for now and concentrate on the important things! We'll still be here if you decide to pick it up again!
    Sending positive healing vibes to your Mum, and I hope she enjoys your stories and photos of your holiday as much as you enjoy the holiday itself.
    Much love

  15. I really hope your mom will be okay! I'll send her lots of positive energy. Enjoy your holidays! I'll miss you! Come back whenever you want, we'll be waiting for you! Xx

  16. I want to say many things but my English is not perfect so it is little hard for me to write everything I want to say.

    Enjoy your vacation, for you, for your mum and for all of us who never been in Greece. I hope that you will finally receive good news when you come back.

    We will miss you but we understand. Family and health is in first place.

    Take care hun <3

  17. Hope they'll get to ur mom nice news soon! Wish all the best!
    I'm so sorry!

  18. Enjoy your vacation! I'm sorry to hear about your Mom and I am sending you lots of positive vibes. You and your family are in my thoughts. I wish you the best. Feel better soon. I will be here to support your blog when you return.

  19. Wat jammer dat je gaat stoppen, maar helemaal te begrijpen.
    Blijf lekker veel nailarts maken om je hoofd een beetje leeg te maken.
    Heel veel succes en geniet van de dingen die je gaat doen!

  20. Ik vind het jammer dat je stopt met bloggen maar ik begrijp het helemaal, dit gaat gewoon voor... Ik ben nog nooit in Griekenland geweest, ik hoop er wel nog eens naar toe te gaan. Heel veel plezier deze vakantie, en sterkte <3


  21. Hi Diana, I'm so sorry to hear the bad news... I hope you get good news soon! Try to make the best of your holidays!

    I wish you and your family all the best and I'll be here waiting for you to come back!

    Veel sterkte! XX

  22. I'm sending positive tought and energy to you and your mum...


  23. Hi sweetie, this blog will always be a big inspiration to others, you have posted so many great items :) Everyone can understand your absence, hope the situation will change soon for the better :) big hug

  24. Hey, I hope you enjoy your holiday, give your mother lots of great photos to look at and try to feel as optimistic as possible. Best wishes!

  25. So sorry. Caring for a loved one is very difficult & you have to do what's best for you!

  26. I'm sorry to hear that your Mum keeps getting bad news. I wish her lots of strength and positivity. And to you too. Do what your heart tells you to. If your heart's not in blogging, then take a break. I hope you will have a good holiday. Take care. :)

  27. Sorry to hear about you Mum. I hope you get positive news soon. Enjoy your holidays.

  28. I'm so sorry to hear that Diana. I'm praying for your mom.
    hope she gets well.. pray, and have faith.
    god bless your family.

  29. Hi Diana! I want of course to wish you all the best at this difficult time. I think taking a break from blogging while you help your mom is a positive choice. I wish I had done so during my sister's illness and recovery. Please stop by when you have time and feel up to it to let us know how you are doing. Lots of love to you and your family. xoxo

  30. Hello =]
    I'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through and I really hope that things will get better in time.
    I'm praying for your mum and sending all my best wishes and thoughts towards you =]
    Enjoy your holiday and remember that we don't mind you taking a break. Whenever you'r ready to come back we'l welcome you =]
    Take care

  31. Veel sterkte Diana, hoop toch nog steeds
    dat jullie ook een keer goed nieuws krijgen.
    Hoop dat je toch nog van je vakantie kan genieten.

    Veel liefs Shannara

  32. Thank you all for these sweet words, they mean a lot to me <3

    (Somehow I don't have acces to this page (and other blogs) with my google account :S )

