
dinsdag 12 juni 2012

Soccer/Football month: Orange Lions (from Miffy) against Germany (European Cup 2012)

Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow Holland is playing against Germany. Since we lost our match against Denmark we really must win this, but I am affraid the Germans are gonna kick our ass :( Like I said in my previous blog...2 years ago against Brazil I had a Brazilian polish as a base and that brought us luck. So for the match tomorrow I decided to use a German base polish ;) So everything is in balance :P hahaha hope it will bring us luck again :)

Base P2 Ship Ahoi 010 pure white with a coat of P2 Divine. Self made water decals of the lion from Miffy. And french tips stamped with Konad M88 and SN pastel orange.

I really hope we beat Germany (sorry for my German followers ;))

Here some funny pictures from me in some crazy supporting lion outfits that I had on the last match against Denmark.

Hahaha you are allowed to laugh LOL :P


8 opmerkingen:

  1. Very cute!! =) how do you do your own decals??? =)

    1. Thanks you can read this: is really fun to make your own decals :)

  2. LOL, crazy outfit and so cute lions!
    Greetz Lucy Fer

  3. Hey beautiful! Good luck at the game!

    Love the nail design a lot!

  4. a very cute girl whit a very cute nail art


  5. Those are the cutest little lions! Love your lion outfits LOL
