
woensdag 4 juli 2012

My Melody on In The Mood polish Blissful

Hey everyone,

I was away for more then a week on a short holiday here in Holland. But I had planned some Football post so you still had something to read here ;) Now football/soccer month is over. Thank you all for the comments (also when I was away). I will show you my holiday nails later. For today I have some cute girly nails with My Melody on them. I have made them a few weeks ago.

Base In The Mood Blissful (I love mood polishes) it is shimmer light pink when it is cold and turns shimmer white when it gets warm. So most of the time you have white nails with pink tips. Stamped with Konad M9 and PSN cool red with SN yellow dots made with a dotting tool. And selfmade water decals of My Melody (Hello Kitty's bunny friend).

 Pinkie and middle finger are cold, ring and index finger are warm.

 Warming up.

 Not quite warm yet.

Only the decals.

Ofcourse I also have some swatches of this great mood polish.

 Warm, light shimmer pink.

 Index and ring finger are warm, middle and pinkie cold.

 This is how it usually looks like, almost white nails with pink tips.

 Totally warm, white shimmer.

 Index and ring finger are warm, middle and pinkie are cold.

Here the other In The Mood polishes I have :) I totally love these. The orange yellow one I used in september 2011 when in was in Greece, but I still have to blog about that holiday creation...I promise to do that soon ;)


14 opmerkingen:

  1. I loved this polish, the efect is beautiful!

  2. Cute mani...! I love it.
    The mood polish is really amazing...
    Hugs! :-)

  3. I love your manis they are sooooo cute, this fabulous x

  4. Ahhh mood polishes. I have one of those....but I plan on expanding on the collection soon! How did you make those water decals? The detail on those are amazing! you should post a tutorial...I would love to see how it's done. :-)

    1. I did tried to explain it some time ago in this post: some girls have found it usefull and started making their own too.

  5. Now did you have to run your hands under hot and cold water to get this effect? I want mood polish that actually changes with your own body temperatures. I am so jealous of how awesome your manis are!!!

    1. For some pic I did, because I wanted one to be cold and one hot. But you see on the pic where I only have the decals on that they are pinker then the first pic. Becase my ahnd were colder. The first pic was how it usually looked like when I had normal warm these do change on your body temprature. And thanks no need to be jealous your manis are awesome too :) X

  6. Pure cuteness! :) I love playing with mood polishes!

  7. I love this manicure!! It´s sooo cute! :-)
