
maandag 16 juli 2012

Neon Under the Sea Summer nails :)

Hello everyone,

I sooo love making Summer nails, so today another summer mani ;) I also made these for the OC contest, I just can't resist a summer theme ;) It's so much fun. I am not that good in coloring between the lines, but I am happy with the result.

My left hand.
Base is Beauty UK Midnight Minx - black. Stamped with Konad SN black and SN white. Imageplates M21, M24, M27, M29, M33, M34, M35 and M82. Then I colored over the white stamps with different sheer neon stripers from Flormar and SoEasy and polishes. Like I said it not all very neat but I still like it :)

This was my inspiration: a 2 meters wide velvet fan with neon sea life painted on it. It hangs in our bedroom, so I always see it when I go to sleep and wake up :)

 This is how I entered the OC contest, everything together in a picture.

 Right hand (even less neater :P).

 Hands and feet.

Hand and foot.

Here a swatch of this nice black polish. It really applied great and was in 2 coats opaque.

Still hoping for nice warm sunny week will be better, sooo they say ;)

Thanks for sending the sun to me last weekend, we kept it dry and also saw the sun. But it did rain a lot before so the beach was flooded, but I danced on bare feet in the puddles :)

Have a nice week.


26 opmerkingen:

  1. I love this, Diana. You are so clever!

  2. this is the prettiest summer msni i have ever seen! gorgeous!

  3. this is absolutely amazing, most definitely one of the prettiest manicure i have ever seen... and you said you're not so good in coloring between the lines ;-D

    1. Thanks really I am not if you look closely you can see I just colored everywhere ;) but the neon stripers were really transparent and they don't show up very good on black but really pop on white :) So I could paint out of the lines and it wasn't that obvious showing. Lol.

  4. Thank you all you are sooo kind! Xox

  5. This design is beautiful, I absolutely love it!

  6. Het is jammer dat ik zelf geen hele donkere kleuren durf te dragen, anders had ik hem zeker op me nagels na proberen te maken. Met nadruk op proberen, want jou nailart is nooit te evenaren!

    1. Ahh jawel joh gewoon doen ik durfde ook nooit donkere kleuren te dragen :) Dus gewoon eens doen ;)

  7. zien er super uit, jij mag van mij winnen!

  8. not very good at coloring it in? you're crazy. these look so awesome. I never thought of doing that. These look very cool!

    1. Hahah lol thanks but really I am not, I colored over the stamps with sheer neon stripers that hardly show on black (but do pop on white) and you see the black shine trough, you also the black base of the parts where I went outside the lines. It only gets a glow. And where it was to much I added black lines again.

  9. OMG Diana! This is my all time favorite mani of yours! I just love ocean scenes. I have a mani with some of these fish in my headr on my blog-but yours is way better and I hope you win! Good luck!

    1. Ahh thank you :)I also love ocean scenes I do at least one every year :) I love yours too <3

  10. Diana this is AMAZING!!!!! I think this is probably my favorite mani I have seen of yours! it is insanely awesome! It should totally win the contest it is THAT good!

    1. Ahh really you make me blush :$ I don't think I will win because I won their last contest and they never let the same persons win ;) Plus there are some great entries already of other people (one I really love).

  11. I am overwhelmed with all your sweet comments I never expected are tooo kind ;) X

  12. I wish that I was as talented as you are...I would love to just spend time with you so that I could possibly come close to your level..

  13. I know I already said this in group, but this is amazing. And I adore your blog and your personal spirit, so I had to nominate you for this blog award:

  14. Amazing! I don't care if it's not perfect, i LOVE it! I can't even begin to think the fun you had making these nails! lool One day (maybe next summer ah ah) i will be inspired by your manicure... hummm or other, there's so may i love! Kisses!!***

  15. Wow, very clever, this is amazing, you are very talented!
