
donderdag 6 december 2012

Christmas 2011: My freehand Santa :)

Hi Everyone,
I made these nails last year during my blogging break. I almost never do freehand (except some dotting or simple lines) but last year I saw these cute Santa nails on the Polish Aholic and really wanted to try that.

I still am a stamping girl so of course I also stamped ;) It isn't perfect but I was very happy with how my Santa turned out :)
Normally I do my nails so I can see them, but with freehand that is a lot harder ;)
Base Colorama (verniz & cor) 40 GRAUS, and on my ring finger also P2 680 glamour and Essence 50's Girls Reloaded 01 AHOY! Santa made with brush and dotting tool. Rest is stamped with M79 and Konad SN white.
Here another picture.
Freehand isn't really my thing (I suck at it and I just love stamping) but I do like making (or try making :P lol ) a freehand accent finger :)
Here also some Christmas sample I made in 2010.
Don't mind the freehand Rudolph and the lights haha lol. Some of these designs I actually had on my nails.
Here some all stamping Christmas designs from 2009 all Konad plates except the red flowers.

Maybe some nice info for my followers:
Konad Ireland is having a Christmas competition. You can all enter until sunday it's open to everyone. But you must use some Konad. Just post a picture on her wall saying it is for the competition and you can win a Konad kit :)

Thanks for reading.

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