
maandag 7 januari 2013

Holo, dots and flowers from 2011

Hi everyone,

Today I'll show you something I've made in 2011 during my blogging break.
Something really strange is going on, I can't add pictures to my post. The section where you can normally browse and select a picture from your computer is gone, I do see it sometimes but before I can click it's gone again. So luckily I had these pictures already online somewhere so I added them that way.

Does anyone else has this problem?
Base Catherine Arley 802 a pretty holo. Stamped with XL plate B and Konad SN white. And some flower decals (these are not self made).
Also a picture of just the stamping.
Of course also some swatches, I really like Catherine Arley holo polishes.

Thanks for readings.


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