
dinsdag 19 februari 2013

Be Strong!

Hi everyone,

Today something special that is inspired by a song  from Delta Goodrem - Be Strong

"And when you're like a single flower, Whose colors have turned to shades of grey, Well hang on, Be strong"

I have made these for the Empowering Woman contest on  Lacquer Or Leave Her. She has this contest to raise awareness about Inspire me 2 Aspire and is looking for women from all walks of life to be mentors for a chat event on International Women's Day (March 8th) Click link for more info. I wasn't planning on entering since I don't feel like I can inspire anyone and see my self as a failure when it comes to career. Plus English isn't my native language so I am always afraid that can cause problems in a chat. But then I thought I can help raising awareness by entering and writing this blogpost about it ;) (maybe some of you want to be a mentot in that chat) So I made an entry for this contest, my entry is totally different from all the amazing entries she already received. But I thought this song and the story behind it is inspirational (see the rest of my blogpost).

I find her songs/ lyrics especially this one beautiful  and inspirational when you feel down for some reason it will gives you power to be strong and hang on and don’t give up. And Delta is a beautiful empowering woman who overcome Hodgkin's Lymphoman cancer at the age of 18. Be strong is inspired by that period of her life. She was strong did not give up and now is a beautiful strong adult woman with an amazing music career. And she got strength and inspiration from her bad period in life.

"And when you're like a single flower, Whose colors have turned to shades of grey, Well hang on, Be strong"

Base a gradient of Catrice Pebbles Beach and Konad SN pastel violet with China Glaze Wireless holographic topcoat on top, stamped with Konad SN black, SN green, Color Club Wild at Heart, Color Club Revvvulotion and Konad SN white and SN yellow for the dots. Imageplate M25 for the flower stalk with leaves and XL F for the flower.

From thumb to pinkie the flower turns in to shades of grey but from pinkie to thumb the flower gets his colors back :)

I used purple colors because I’ve read that purple flowers can represent dignity, mystery, success, magic and pride. Overall, this color represents admiration and accomplishment. So I felt that fits the theme of empowerment too. You can admire other women /men /things in live /songs… and they can inspire you to accomplish your own hopes and dreams.

Some more pictures of this creation in different lighting.

You can see the grey colors slowly fade away more on each finger and that the flower gets his beautiful purple and green colors back :)

I’ve read Delta Goodrem wrote this song for a fellow cancer patient who unfortunately died a couple of years later (it means a lot to me since my mom died a bit more then a year ago at a very rare type of non Hodgkin’s Lymphoman Leukemia cancer) and I am glad to read there are people who overcome cancer... well not exactly the same type my mom had but something a bit similar. And it makes me happy she survived at her very young age of 18 and makes beautiful songs. To be completely honest listening to this song also always makes me cry a bit because then I have to think of my mom who was also very strong but did not win the cancer battle. But kept believing in a miracle until the very end. And even I sometimes have to cry when I hear it also gives me strength.

So no matter how bad things seem, never give up, be strong, keep the faith, have hope and pursue your dreams!

I know it is easier said then down, but it sure is something I want to believe in or/and try.

"And when you're like a single flower, Whose colors have turned to shades of grey, Well hang on, Be strong"

Thanks for reading.


12 opmerkingen:

  1. Such a delicate design. It's very feminine and original ^^

  2. OMG the mani is gorgeous!! I love the inspiration and I think you captured it perfectly.

  3. Heel de dag was ik sterk tot ik dit lees ik breek ik huil... Artsen kunnen me niet helpen kunnen het niet vinden dus hoort het bij de ziekte ME en moet ik er mee leren leven. Nooit meer zitten of staan zonder kots misselijk te worden.Liedje geeft troost
    Mooie mani..

    1. Ahh lieve Norma, ik vind het echt zoo erg voor je :( Wou dat er wat was, dat alles kon veranderen voor je. Ik vind het een prachtig liedje ook het verhaal dat zij kanker heeft overwonnen op zo'n jonge leeftijd. Laten we ook hopen voor jou op een "miracle" Xxx

    2. Dankje zoo lief
      Ik blijf hopen dat ik dit ooit zal over winnen

  4. Cute! I loved it!


  5. Thank you all for the sweet comments, I appreciate it <3 Xoxox

  6. Ficou perfeita sua unha.
    Flor quero te convidar para participar do sorteio de um super kit lá no blog, ficarei muito feliz com sua presença.

  7. Wow dat je dat liedje kent zeg! Leuk! Ik ken bijna niemand die die muziek kent. Ik heb Be Strong gezongen in de tweede van de middelbare, wat nu 5 jaar geleden is. Bijzonder liedje he. Mooie manicure heb je erbij gemaakt :)

    1. Wat mooi dat je dat gezongen hebt :) ik vind het echt prachtig en de rest van haar nummers ook.
