
maandag 28 juli 2014

Penguins at the beach :)

Hi Everyone,

Last week the challenge in one of the groups was penguin nails, since the weather is really warm here I also wanted to do something for the Summer. The theme at the Nail Polish Canada challenge is also Summer. So I've send these in there. You can see all the fun summer mani's and vote by clicking the link.

As most of you know by now I love making scenery/landscape nails and I often also write a story with the mani haha.  Fab Ur Nails and I sometimes do story nails together and we talked about doing them again with this theme too. But later so many others joined too it was so fun. 

First my part of the story:

 “Tropical Holiday” 
Once upon a time there was this cute little penguin girl her name was Sara. Sara did not liked living in Antarctica and wanted a new adventure, so she decided to go on holiday to some place warm. During her holiday she often went to the beach, lying there with a beautiful view on the lighthouse. Swimming in the ocean, cuddling the starfish, making sandcastles, playing with the beach ball and her kite. One day something amazing happened and she saw this super hot penguin "beach" guy.... He noticed her too and it was love at first sight <3  

Base Sinful Colors Snow me White, sponged with OPI Sand in my suit, P2 Blue's time and P2 Who cares? Added some white for the waves. The rest is all stamped. Lighthouse and starfish are from Moyou Sailor 01, palm trees, sandcastle, sun, kite, beach ball are from Nailways Vive la Vie- Beach baby, birds from Stampaholics ST01 and the penguins from FUN8, the flower is Konad M32. 

Like I said we started thinking it was just us 2 so here also the pic of my mani and Johanne aka Fab Ur Nails her mani. Her episode was at the beach in the evening. But I'll paste the complete story below :) Since a few other chapters were added between ours.

Like I said more people joined so I wrote the rest of the storiy too and paste it all together.
 The complete story:

“Tropical Holiday”
Once upon a time there was this cute little penguin girl her name was Sara. Sara did not liked living in Antarctica and wanted a new adventure, so she decided to go on holiday to some place warm. During her holiday she often went to the beach, lying there with a beautiful view on the lighthouse. Swimming in the ocean, cuddling the starfish, making sandcastles, playing with the beach ball and her kite. One day something amazing happened and she saw this super hot penguin "beach" guy.... He noticed her too and it was love at first sight <3 (mani made by Diana van Nisselroy)

“Taking a Swim” 
Sara went for a walk on the beach and visited a great beach shop where she bought a new bikini. She wanted to look at her best for the beach guy. She immediately put it on and it looked so good  on her. After her swim in the ocean she walked around the beach collecting beautiful shells. But her mind was still at the hot guy she saw earlier. (mani made by Laurie Nievin)

“Catch a Wave” 
The beach guy saw this super cute girl on the beach, but later she was gone and he decided to grab his board and catch some waves. During the sunset the sky turned this amazing orange color but all he could think about was that girl and hoping he would  could see her again. (mani made by Notty Norma)

"Magic of Moonlight" 
After the long day and full of fun in the beach Sara was a little shy and believe it or not the hot beach guy was shy too. He thought she was soo beautiful he just did not had the guts to talk to her. When the night fell he finally talked to her. Sara found out his name was James They enjoyed a romantic evening at the beach under the full moon. Listening in the smooth breeze of the sea.. On that romantic evening the penguin love story started .(mani made by Johanne DG aka Fab Ur Nails) 

 “Going tthe Jungle” 
Sara and James were completely in love, both never expected they would find love outside Antarctica. They decided to go the jungle together. That was such a great adventure, seeing purple monkeys, a big frog and a beautiful tiger. They also saw this cute Toucan bird hiding in the bushes. It was such a great day. (mani made by Pamela Feader)  

“Visiting the Pyramids” 
Their journey did not end in the jungle, cause they also went to Egypt to visit the pyramids. The tropical holiday was really warm for a penguin, both compared to the heat in the desert that was nothing. They were extremely hot, but luckily they found a nice oasis. So they could cool down. From the oasis they had a beautiful view on the pyramids. After they cooled down they also went on a camel ride through the desert back to the hotel. (mani made by Sara Sue Sams) 

Is this where to story ends or will there be more chapters? 

After this more people did an episode of the penguin story. I will post the rest someday too ;)

Thanks for reading and if you like you can vote or/and still entered the Nail Polish Canada challenge too.


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