
zondag 19 oktober 2014

The skeleton man is on the loose

Hi Everyone.

Remember last year I did this mani of the skeleton man escaping from his coffin. You can see it here. This year I really wanted do it again :) And it was a perfect mani for the theme "Grave" for the BM challenge. Only my nails were a lot shorter now then last year, so I did not had that much space. But still it was fun to do again.

"Who is that knocking in the coffin? 
It's me.... the skeleton man  Let me out let me out!  
I don't want to be in my grave. 
Yes I am almost there just a little bit further.  
Woohoo I am out, you can't catch me.  
Na nana nanaaa.... Happy dance :)"

A gradient base with textured polishes Julie G Tangerine Dream and Sugar Rush. Used BM402 and BM413 for the stamping, first stamped the coffins in black and colored them black and stamped over them with white.

I have done some many mani's for Halloween, think I'll blog a lot more this week ;) But just short posts. The long post from my holiday in Greece will have to wait till next month or so ;)

Have a nice sunday!


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