
dinsdag 13 januari 2015

My first completely freehand mani...a Winter Scene!

Hi Everyone,

The new year just started and what is a better way to start then trying new things..challenge my self to do new stuff. So here is my first completely freehanded mani, I have done some freehand details or an accent finger before but never a completely freehanded many :) 

I know it is nothing compared to all those masters out there I am kinda proud of it. I don't have good brushes and only have some really old paint (not even sure what kind of paint LOL) but did it all with paint and polish.  

I often write a little story with my mani too so is another story:  

"A girl and her little brother went on their annual winter holiday together with their parents. And just like every year they went to the cabin in the mountains. They always have a lot of fun there. While Mom and Dad enjoyed time together in the cabin next to the fire place the kids played outside in the snow. The girl was getting very good in figure iceskating, she wants to join the Olympics when she is older. Her little brother had fun on the ice too on his skates playing with the sleigh.Their cute little black dog also played outside in the snow. And all together they build this large snowman. They had a great vacation in their Winter Wonderland."

 Before I started to paint this on my nails I first drew a quick sketch on paper for an idea.

And some more picture in different light.

I always be a stamping girl, but maybe I'll try freehand some more every now and then :)

Thanks for reading <3


9 opmerkingen:

  1. That's so cute, you're really talented!

  2. I can't believe this is your first freehand! You'd never know, but then again you are amazingly talented. Well, to my surprise when I awoke this morning I saw that you had liked my post on Facebook. I was shocked and flattered. A stamping goddess like you liked something I did?! I showed my ten year old son your work and now he's a fan too.

    1. Aww you make me blush...I am no stamping goddess LOL just an addict like many others ;) But thanks for that hugeeee compliment. And so fun your son is a fan too, how cute is that <3

  3. You don't give yourself enough credit... the scenes that you do, wow

  4. Amazing freehand. Love it!!! and love your blog 2.
    I´m new here. Congrats for all your nail art and Best wishes from 2015. Big hug from Colombia.

    1. Aww thank you so much for your kind comment. Best wishes for 2015 for you too.

  5. well done Diana, absolutely love it <3
    you should do freehand more :D
