
dinsdag 26 mei 2015

Military nails

Hi Everyone,

I have still so many older mani's to show you but here is one I did today ;) In one of the facebook groups the alphabetchallenge is the letter M so I thought M is for military :) In another group the challenge is Memorial Day, we don't celebrate this we had something similar earlier this month. But I thought this kinda fits that theme too, for all the soldiers who fought or are still fighting for their country.

Made the camo base with P2 Your Wild Side matte 010 Vibrant green with Camo from MyOnline Shop MJ XXVII stamped with Konad brown, jungle green and grey pearl. And stamped with Konad black the rifle, soldier, grenade, tank and tags also from MyOnline Shop MJ XXVII.

Here is picture of just the camo base.

I already swatched this polish some years ago so I did not take a picture of only the base now. But it is a beautiful matte polish.

Thanks for reading.


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