
zondag 5 september 2010

Palm tree sunset

Here is another palm tree creation, I made this in august 2009.
I used all kinds of China Glaze nailpolish for the base, don't know which one anymore but a lot from the Fiji Fling collection. And on top Nfu Oh no 43 for the flakies. The palm tree I stamped with Konad M29 and SN gold black. The waves I made with a toothpick and white nailpolish.
I always like to make my feet match with my hands during the summer time :)

Sometimes people ask me if my right hand looks the same as my left, so here is a picture of both.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Prachtig weer!!!
    Vind het ook zo knap dat beide handen er zo mooi uitzien, bij mij is mn rechterhand altijd een soort slap aftreksel van mn linker ;-)
