
zaterdag 20 november 2010

Winter Wonderland

It's not yet winter but my autumn nails made me feel sad, so I decided to make some winter nails. Snow makes me much happier, but we don't often have snow here in Holland. I just really want to make this creation and couldn't wait for the winter ;)

As a base I'm wearing MNY 109A a beautiful light blue shimmer. I sponged with Konad SN white and white rainbow glitter for a snowy effect. I also used a bit of pastel blue the create an ice idea. The snowmans, ice skating children and trees are self made water decals. The snowflakes I stamped with M51.
Photo with flash under artificial light.

It's hard to take a good photo with al that white ;) so you don't really see the glitter. Photo with flash.

Sorry it's a bit blurry ;)

I'm more of a summer person but I do like the winter when it's snowing and we can ice skate. And ofcourse christmas and all those lovely decorating lights.
Do you like the winter and snow?

18 opmerkingen:

    ooo diana deze zijn echt mooi!

  2. ooh wat zijn ze leuk!
    echt kleine schilderijtjes.
    Super mooi gedaan! <3

  3. owwwwww wat mooi ...mag van mij wel kerst worden...

  4. amazing! those selfmade water decals are impressing!

  5. wauw wat mooi gedaan!!
    Ik ondek nu pas je site, erg leuk!!
    Zijn dat je echte nagels?

  6. Dank jullie wel :) ja aan het einde vd week misschien sneeuw hé :) dus ze helpen haha.

    Thank you.

    @ Sanja dankjewel ja zijn me echte nagels, momenteel wel wat te lang maar had ik tenminste genoeg ruimte hiervoor ;) en ben gewoon te lui om ze te knippen/vijlen soms zo veel werk hahaha.

  7. I'm a new follower to your blog (thanks for following mine). These nails are super cute - love the snow! We don't get much in central New Mexico.

  8. new follower :)
    It's fantastic!!!
    Come to my blog if you like :)

  9. oh nice! Pretty, snowy nails. I so love it.Visit mine too;) Happy weekend!

  10. Btw followed you coz I like your blog. Keep it up!

  11. I am back. Thank you very much. I will link you too. Kisses

  12. Wauw jij bent zo geweldig met nail art, poeh!
