
vrijdag 11 februari 2011

Valentine's Day ideas part 6

Today another lovely Valentine creation. But I'm really bummed, I just couldn't get this normal on a photo. The flash made the holo effect too strong and then I couldn't see the metallic stamps anymore. But without flash it became sorry for these bad pictures.

On the first photo you can see the colors the best and on the second photo you can see the design better.

Base China Glaze QT from the OMG Collection. Stamped with China Glaze Admire and imageplate BM11 and China Glaze Emotion and Konad imageplates M3 and M18. On my ring finger a light pink heartshaped rhinestone.

And some older Valentine's Day creations :) This one I made in 2010 for Valentine's Day.

China Glaze Lubu Heels with China Glaze Long Kiss roses stamped from M65. Pink hearts from M2 with China Glaze Admire.

The next one I didn't made for Valentine but it could be something you could wear at Valentine's Day ;) This is from the beginning of 2009.

The base is a french with some pearly polish don't know the brand any more, stamped with Konad SN red and green imageplate M40.

This I actually made for my boyfriends birthday in September 2009. It was his choice the base color and design. I find it also something romantic so it's also a good idea for Valentine's Day.
Base OPI Rosy Mistletoe-sies stamped with M65 and China Glaze Admire.

Photo without flash.

I'm planning one more creation for V-day, something special voor my boyfriend

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