
vrijdag 4 februari 2011

Where is the respect?

Normally I don't blog about something like this, but it really bothers me so I just have to do this. You know I entered the Challenge Show us your country on Parokeets. I had a lot of fun making that creation, but my joy is totally gone now.

Some people are saying in the comment that they are really disappointed with my entry because I used decals and the free hand painting isn't appreciated anymore. It kind of makes me angry because by saying that they suggest I don't appreciate that by entering with a decal and Konad creation instead of free hand painting. But I respect them all and everyone did their best. It wasn't in the rules that it has to be hand painted :(

My entry:
Here you can see the rest, read the comment and vote in the poll at the right:

This is what I wrote in the comments there:
Sorry if I did something wrong I thought the challenge was to show your country with a mani or/and make up. Never knew it had to be hand painted. I carefully picked out some images that show you my country and made my own water decals of it and used Konad. Thought it was a nice way of showing my country (and t it would be fun to learn more about different country’s) guess some readers here don’t appreciate that. I takes time to make your own decals and on request of some people I blogged about it, why are people interest in how I make them if they can only criticize the use of it?

But I found it no need to talk about free hand isn’t appreciated, now you made it look like I don’t appreciate them but I love all their creations and respect them. Everyone did their best, what happend to respect and leave people for what they are?

Didn’t want to make such a fuss with my creation, guess I should withdraw myself?

Maybe nextime you can say in the rules that decals and Konad isn’t allowed and it is for only free hand painting? Instead the readers take it out on someone :(

Sorry that this had to be on your blog Parokeet ladies, it’s clear to me that my kind of nail art isn’t welcome so I know not the enter anymore.

But I’m really disappointed that people can’t have respect even if you don’t like what you see.
( I removed my big typing mistakes ;))

I started this blog because I love doing my nails and wanted to share it with others (also outside the Netherlands) I love stamping and making and using my self made water decals. But I guess it really isn't appreciated in "blog country" and only really free hand artists deserve respect for what they're doing. I do respect them I respect them a lot and found it amazing what they can paint. But I also respect people who use stamping, stickers, decals etc.

Everyone loves what they are doing if it's by hand or stamping so why don't respect the love they have for it. There is nothing wrong with some criticism, but I think especially in a challenge or contest just don't say anything if you can't say something nice. Everyone does their best in what they like and want to do....just respect that even if you don't like what you see!

14 opmerkingen:

  1. I definitively get your point! Some people are so bold. You are not the only one who has to deal with respectless behavior. Once I've posted a picture of my nails in a famous German forum and what was the reaction? My nails were compared with those of a witch and called ugly...

    PS: Your mani rocks :)

  2. I don't agree with them, even the decals are art ;)

  3. My advice would be - do not let them bother you. We made the rules and there is nothing in there that says hand nail art only.
    What they think nail art should be, does not count. :D

    The main point is that mani looks great and a lot of our readers loves it.

  4. omg i just read this and i'm Shocked! =-O

    Your entry was amazing! Nail art should be fun whatever it is, or whatever is used!...So many people have voted for you! and im proud to say i was one of them! I agree with Gejba , Just dont let them both you hunny!

    /Mega hugs to you. xoxox

  5. Het is en blijft nailart, hoe je het ook hebt gemaakt. Laat je niet kisten meid. Degene die erover begon is waarschijnlijk jaloers omdat ze het zelf niet kan.

  6. er zullen altijd mensen zijn die wel wat te zeuren hebben!!
    maar zolang parokeets geen regels heeft opgesteld moeten ze lekker hun mond houden!!
    maar jij staat achter deze creatie en dat is het belangrijkst!!
    en ik vind je creaties wel mooi!!
    of dat nou gestempeld is...met decals or whatever!!

  7. I agree with you. Nail decals are nail art. Don't let them get you down. What they are saying is bullsh*t. They wish they could do the awesome things you do to your nails. If nail decals aren't okay, what about using tape and other stuff like that? Your nails are gorgeous.

  8. So sorry the stupid heads stole your joy! I was one of the folks who asked for instructions and I know that it took lots of effort to make your entry.

  9. please, don't be sad :( I personally love your designs because of your wonderful own water decals. I don't find anything bad in using Konad and other stuff.. the most important thing in nail art is creativity ( I suppose) and you have plenty of it. There are lots of people who love your nail art ( so do I). I'm so sorry for reading how the people can behave. *hug*

  10. Wow Diana, wat lullig. Ik schrok er best wel van toen ik het op het forum las.
    Ik vind je creatie super en door de uitleg en je mails, weet ik dat het heel veel tijd kost.
    Ik denk zelfs even veel tijd, of meer dan handmade nailart. Omdat het veel tijd kost op plaatjes te veranderen, naar je zin te maken. Maar dan komt het uitprinten en het het sprayen nog. En het gebeurd zovaak dan dat je het er verkeerd op plakt.
    Dus ik vind het super wat je doet! En heel mooi! Ik hoop dat je door blijft gaan met je decals! met je Super mooie blog! En met wedstrijden. Ik vind het zo leuk om al je 'wedstrijd', gewone, liefdes, en andere creatie's te zien!

    Heel veel succes nog! En door deze reacties krijg je je plezier echt wel terug!
    De mensen die zo gereageerd hebben, weten niet hoeveel werk het kost om ze te maken.

    Heel jammer, dat ze je joy hebben verpest :(

    xxxx Nino!

  11. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  12. Ok I dunno how that happened I didn't mean to delete my message at all lol :s
    Anyway I was just saying please don't let the small minority who are criticising your gorgeous design get u down, I think it was a very creative gorgeous manicure! And u definitely shouldn't pull out of the contest especially as u have lots of votes :) so lots of people obviously love your design, I think water decals are definitely considered nail art especially if u made them yourself that takes lots of time and creativity! Really hope this hasn't got u too down! Your very talented and I look forward to seeing more of your lovely designs

  13. ♥♥♥ Thank you girls for the nice and sweet encouraging words ♥♥♥

  14. Hi, Diana! :) I think the best thing to do is to just ignore the bad things that were said about your nail art. Sometimes, silence is the best way to fight those that are trying to pull you down. Don't let them give you stress. :)

    Nail artists have different strengths and techniques. Sadly, we really can't please everyone with our style or designs. All we can do is show our appreciation to those that supports our nail art.

    Cheer up! :)
