
woensdag 15 juni 2011

Helping Hands for my mom

I made this a few weeks ago. The day my mom got the results of the surgery and tests she had, to find out if she had cancer or not. I actually wanted to do something with thumbs up or praying hands but I did not have anything like that so I used these hands....some sort of helping hands for her ;) Unfortunately we got some bad news :( my mom has a really rare kind of lymphoma cancer/ lymph leukemia. I don't know the exact words for it in English, in Dutch it is already difficult to explain ;) But it is quite rare the kind she has :( We are still waiting for some more test results (we will hear that June 20th one day before my birthday) and then hopefully she will get better with the right kind of chemo therapy. We must stay positive!

Base Beyu 381 a beautiful duochrome dark blue with purple and green glow and silver mini glitter (really difficult to capture with my camera) stamped with a light metallic blue Greek nailpolish from the brand Seventeen, number 523 and imageplate HB16.

Some swatches of Beyu 381 this is one of the polishes I got from Nagelszone / Nailsszone
With flash, you don't see the duochrome in it :(

Without flash under artificial light, here you can see the green glow a little bit.

A bit of blurry photo of the bottle but here you can see the purple and green glow the best.

Last week we went to the beach and I wrote a message in the sand for my mom. I took a photo and sent it to her. With the text: Look a message for you is washed up on the beach ;)

I hope my mom will fight her cancer! Mom (mama) get well soon!


21 opmerkingen:

  1. What a lovely gesture, Diana! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I wish you and her all the best and hope she'll get well soon!

  2. I hope she will get better as soon as possible... take care <3

  3. Veel sterkte voor jou en je familie en beterschap voor je moeder!
    X Michelle

  4. Heel veel sterkte voor jouw familie en naasten. Beterschap voor je moeder! Ik weet een beetje hoe het voelt, mn oma en opa zijn aan longkanker overleden en een meisje uit de kerk aan leukemie overleden. Ook een moeder van 2 kinderen en met een man die ik ken heeft op het moment kanker. Ik vind het zo erg he! Geld doneren kan ik niet, daarom doneer ik volgende week mijn haarlokken voor stichting haarwensen. Super veel sterkte, ik bid voor jullie!

  5. Wat verschrikkelijk naar! :-( Maar inderdaad positief blijven en ik wens jou en je familie heel veel sterkte!

  6. just wanna wish to your mom to get finally good news and win this sickness. My dad had a cancer as well and i understand your feelings now (((

  7. Best wishes for you and your mother!

  8. i love your mani :-D
    i'll keep my fingers crossed for your mom, hope everything will be alright after all :-D

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. Sending good vibes your way.

    On a more positive note, your mani looks awesome!

  10. I really hope your mom will get well soon! And you're right, you have to stay positive.♥♥

  11. Already praying for you mermaid. It's always the darkest before the dawn.


  12. I'm very sorry for your mother... :-(
    Best and positive wishes for you and mom.

  13. Ik duim heel hard voor je moeder en hoop dat ze snel weer beter word ..
    Liefs sylsyl

  14. I'm sorry to hear about your mom... Hope that everything will be o.k.

  15. Hello :) I left you award on my page if you wanted to grab it!

  16. I hope your mom will get well soon.

    I love your nails<3

  17. Wat een geweldige boodschap zit er achter deze creatie, maar wat een ontzettend naar bericht :(
    Hopelijk wordt je moeder gauw beter!

  18. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I will keep you both (and your family) in my thoughts :)

    The mani is so pretty and such a sweet gesture and I love the beach message. Sending positive thoughts your way :)

  19. im sorry about the horrible news. I wish you and your mum and your family all the best!
    the nails look stunning :-)

  20. Thanks you guys for all the sweet words ♥

  21. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum. I hope she stays positive in spirit when going through her chemo. Do give her all the support that you can, Diana. She'll need it. I send her my get well wishes.
