
dinsdag 18 oktober 2011

Just a quick update from me :) I'm back from my holiday!

Hi you all :)

I'm not going to start blogging again regularly, but maybe I will post something once a month or every few weeks or something like that. I just wanted to thank all of you for the sweet and encouraging words, they really mean a lot to me ♥ I also wanted to let you know I'm back from my 3 weeks in Greece, that was really great and I miss it (especially the adorable cats that lived around our appartment and we fed for 3 weeks).

Unfortunatally my mom is still very sick :( The last 3 chemotherapies also did not do anything, (we heard that news during our holiday :( ) she has had 6 chemo's already :( but none of them this is really sad news.

At the moment she is lying in the hospital for a really heavy chemo, that will last nonstop for a few days....hopefully this will work....♥ I have my fingers crossed ♥

Ofcourse you do want to see some nails and nail art, so here are my holiday nails that I made before we went to the Greek Island Kos.

This one is made after a week, at the beach with a beautiful sunset.

This photo is made before we went under artificial light without flash.

Base OPI DS Sapphire (underneath a layer of China Glaza Sexagon). Some selfmade Greek water decals of a donkey, a logo from Kos, the Greek flag and the island. Sort of Greek signs stamped with Konad SN blue and XL imageplate B.

With flash.

And ofcourse matching toes :)

And here some swatches of OPI DS Sapphire with China Glaze Sexagon underneath.

Both of them with flash.

Untill next time :)

Thanks again for all the sweet words ♥

xoxox Diana

11 opmerkingen:

  1. So sorry to hear about your mom-am sending good thoughts your way. Love the mani in the sunset shot-very pretty!

  2. HeLLo Diana! Glad U're back!!
    And so sorry to hear such sad news about ur mom! Hope this chemotherapies will works!! Good luck to U!!

    I love ur mani! U're the water decal queen!!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your thoughts are with you.

    Your toes are super cute!

  4. Wat erg van je moeder! Wel onwijs gave nagels!


  5. Heel veel sterkte voor jou en je familie diana.
    Fijn dat je er weer bent en je nagels zien er zoals altijd weer top uit.

  6. Leuk dat je weer een nailart geplaatst hebt (ik heb ze wel een beetje gemist). Post gewoon lekker wanneer je er zelf zin en tijd voor hebt en je hoeft echt niet bij iedereen een reactie te schrijven hoor.
    Fijn te horen dat je een lekkere vakantie hebt gehad, maar wat verschrikkelijk nieuws van je moeder. Ik had gehoopt dat het inmiddels wat beter met d'r ging, maar helaas :-(

  7. It's great to read you again!! Thank you for your comments on my blog, it was very sweet from you to pass by and have a look even if you don't understand. I mentioned your blog because I followed your tutorial to make your own water decals. It's amazing and it worked really well.
    Your nails are always amazing!! I have a quick question... How do you remove the water decals, because I usually can't remove them with nail polish, I have to unstick them with my own fingers hahaha
    Thank you!!

  8. Welkom terug :)
    Jammer van je mam... Ik hoop dat deze chemo gaat werken! Sterkte toegewenst. Mooie nagels heb je weer gemaakt.

  9. I'm happy to read news from you!
    I hope that your mum will be better soon!

  10. I hope your mum does get better very soon! I'l be praying for her =)
    I adore the nails, as always they'r perfect =]

  11. i'll pray for your mom.. i understand what you feel.. my mother also suffered a chemotherapy..
