
maandag 30 april 2012

Happy Queens Day (Koninginnedag)

Happy Queens day for my Dutch readers ;)

Ofcourse I made some Queens day nails this year. Although I don't really like the combination of our red/white/blue flag colors and orange I always do it with Queens day our during the soccer European/ World cup when our country is playing ;) And on Queens day it can never be too crazy.

Base is Rio de Janeiro from W.I.C. by Herome, I found that a little bit to common and peachy so I added Impala matte fluors Tech, a really bright orange. So bright that I couldn't capture it correctly on the photo. I guess my Q-day nails also had something Brazilian, one polish with a Brazilian name and the other one is from Brazil. Stamped with Konad PSN gold black and imageplate BM08 some crowns. And also with SN red, white, blue some small flowers on my tips from M37.

My previous Q-day creations from over the years ;)
Some of them are soooo ugly ;)

Here a swatch of Rio de Janeiro from W.I.C. by Herome.  

And some swatches when I topped it with 2 layers of Impala matte fluors Tech. Like I said I just couldn't capture the true brightness :(

Finally I funny photo of me with my bright nails and my little crown ;)

We were walking to Utrecht city to celebrate Queens day night and came across this mill, I just couldn't resist such a typical Dutch photo ;) Like I said before not entire Holland looks like this and we also don't all wear clogs ;) Here you can also see better how bright my nails are.

On the adventures in stamping group the challenge was Queens day too, I want to thank all the non Dutch people who participated it was so much fun to see the girls from all over the world make Queensday nails with our national colors.

Have a nice week everybody.


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