
woensdag 23 mei 2012

Starry Kitty nails

Hi everyone,

I made these nails a few weeks ago for the stamping challenge to make something with a plate ending in a 5. It was also mothersday that day and we just lost our pet cat before the weekend, so I wanted to make something that would combine it all ;)

So I used a water decal of a cute lady cat, because she was a real lady and her name was little lady in Dutch :) And stamped stars because I said all our loved pets/persons are stars now and watching over us. So also my mom who I missed even more on mothersday :(

 Base is Zoya Gilda over Essence Flashy Pink from the Show your feet collection. A water decal (not self made) from a white cat. And stamped some sort of stars from Konad M5 with SN white.

I wanted to make swatch photos but it was soo hard with this polish ;) It often made it to pink or with blue in it and looked like it was still sheer (but that Essence underneath covers really good). But here some pics that will give you any idea. And is shows also the sparkle.

It's a bit blury but you see the sparkle in it ;)


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