
dinsdag 18 december 2012

Fashion Inspired: Christmas dress...FAIL ;)

Hello Hello,
I made these nails last friday. I had so much fun making my Zebra Black and White gradient nails for Wacky Laki's Inspired by Fashion contest that I wanted to do another one again. But I was happy that I've sent in the zebra one and not this one, because this really was a fail. You can see all the amazing entries and vote for your favorite by clicking here. If you like mine I am entry number 7 :)

Now back to my fail Fashion inspired Christmas dress nails ;) You know I told you I really like Danbo the cardboard box guy? Well Danbo helped me with these see the pictures below. I can blame him for the fail :P haha.
Base Golden Rose Paris Magic 308 (a gorgeous shimmer red that is hard to photograph) Saran wrapped with China Glaze Snow. Stamped with Konad SN white and M9 and the bow from the candy cane on M12 in SN red.

I really did not liked how the saran wrapped nails turned can still see where my inspiration is coming from, but I removed these nails the same I did not wanted to spent my Saturday with these nails ;)
A picture of the Christmas dress.
And my nails again.
Of course some swatches of the red base...that was really hard to capture. You still see a bit of visable nail line. But it really is a pretty red.
Here the cute pictures of Danbo helping me with the Saran

Thanks for reading :)

And don't forget to vote for your favorite Fashion Inspired nails on Wacky Laki. If you like mine then vote number 7 :)


4 opmerkingen:

  1. i must disagree with you, this is great manicure, and not fail in any way :D
    but i guess it wasn't too hard do do it, when you had such a great help from danbo ;)

  2. Lovely manicure! And Danbo is so cute! :-)

  3. Thanks I really did not like these but thanks for the compliments. It was fun together with Danbo :)
