
dinsdag 12 maart 2013

L.A. Girl Metal Trilogy with hearts

Hi Everyone,

I thought it was about time to show my short middle finger I made them all shorter but not as short as the middle one. I don't really like round shaped nails on my self (do like it on others) and it was broken till the flesh so it couldn't get any shorter without bleeding. So I am actually still kinda proud of this lenght, it's amazing to see how much my nail bed grew in the 6 years since I stopped biting. You know they looked like this so that is a hugeeee difference to me. And sometimes I still can't believe it :) 

I also tried making photos of my right hand, but those fingers are weird they don't want to do what I want them too :P lol. So the up coming weeks I will show pics of both hands :) (if they cooperate).

My left hand with the broken middle finger nails :( (luckily they will grow fast) Base L.A. Girl Metal Trilogy stamped the full nail from BM315 with Konad SN vivid pink, the hearts are from BM303 stamped with SN pastel pink.

The right (hard to photograph) hand.

And some swatches of both hands.

I really liked this color and finish dried really quick too and good think it might also stamp..haven't tried that yet.

Thanks for reading.


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