
vrijdag 26 april 2013

Floam ♥ with some simple flowers

Hi Everyone,

I finally used my Floam and I love it :) I am not the biggest glitter fan, a lot of my untrieds are glitter polish. But I do really love Floam. It are really tiny "matte glitter" I know matte glitter sounds strange lol, cause it isn't glitter-y (is that a word? ;)) So I started calling them little scales, like fish scales ;) I needed 4 coats to get it opaque but it dried fast, so that wasn't a problem. Cleaning the cuticles was a problem hahaha, glitter everywhere. And removing it wasn't fun either, tried the normal way on one finger, then I decided to use the foil technique for the first time and it worked good :)

Base Floam stamped with XL plate O (that is a dupe of XL K) with Konad SN black and added some SN yellow and SN sky blue dots.

Another picture of my hand.

And of course swatches of this really cool polish :)

It are tiny yellow and blue matte glitters and very flat, it doesn't felt really gritty. The yellow and blue together gave this a green look. I really like Floam I think it is unique.

Have a nice weekend!

Thanks for reading.


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