
dinsdag 5 november 2013

Halloween nails and party pics of us :)

Hi Everyone,

Like I said before we went to a Halloween party Saturday night. I'll show you my nails and some pics of how we look liked :) We had sooo much fun. I looked similiar to last year but I don't have money to buy a new dress every year lol ;) So we did our make up a bit differently. I always love putting make up on my bf but he doesn't like at all and keeps on flashing his eyes and wont sit still, so it was really hard to do haha (let's not even talk about the removing part lol) But I liked the result and we had fun that is what is most important. The people there liked it too cause we (especially he) were photographed often.

Let's start with the nails.

Base Beauty UK Midnight Minx and sponged the tips with Julie G Cinnamon. Stamped the webs with Color Club Worth the Risque and Nailways Darker Period Halloween A-NW00016 plate. The spiders are also from that plate, stamped with Konad SN white. The skull is from Moyou Roxy collection 01. Added some studs for his eyes that I colored red :)

Here a pic of the webs without the spiders.

And a pic of just the base.

And here all 3 together. I kinda liked these looks all 3 of them haha.

And some pics of our night out the Halloween party :)

 Me, my boyfriend and my big sis.

My sis and I, I sooo loved her contacts soo cool those scary eyes and they were her strength too so she could see well. I can't stand anything in my eyes, but those contacts would be so cool to wear. I was jealous of her ;)


 And impression of the night there.

 Dancing together.

 My sis her outfit.

 My boyfriend and my sis.

 My bf and I :)

 He acting goofy :)

 This guy was soooo creepy, it was a mask and wig but looked soo scary haha.

And the picture made by the Stairway to Heaven that was on their FB too.

Thanks for watching/reading :)

Hope you all had a nice Halloween.


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