
vrijdag 28 februari 2014

Hi5 challenge: inspired by Lillibit's blog

Hi Everyone,

A few months ago I was challenged by Lillibit for the Hi5 challenge. I was one of the 5 ladies she challenged to do a mani inspired by her blog (the way it looks). As soon as I read that I wanted to do something with the cute gnome girl (lillibit) that is on her blog and is also her profile picture on facebook. 

I was really busy the last months but this week I finally did this fun challenge. Ofcourse my freehand skills aren't good that I could draw the Lillibit, so I had to think of something to make with stamps. As you know I always like making my own images out of parts of different stamping images. So I did my best to recreate a little Lillibit on my nails.

Here my mani together with the Lillibit picture.
Base China Glaze L8R G8R over that a gradient with W7 120 Mojito and a no brand green. Stamped the branches and leaves with Moyou Mother Nature (landscape) collection 03 and Konad SN green and SN brown. Made the Lillibit with the hat from FUN11 (next to the star wars logo) and Pebbles from FUN3. I editted and freehanded a little and then made stamping decals from it coloring with Konad SN black, SN yellow, SN violet, SN red and a self made pastel orange mix.

And some more pictures.

And a picture of just the gradient base.

This was such a fun challenge to do and I feel honored that Lillibit invited me for this :)

Now it is my turn to challenge people.

1. Make a mani in the theme, write a blogpost about it and link back to the person who challenged you.
2. Think of a new theme.
3. Invite 5 bloggers to do the challenge in your theme.

The theme for my Hi5 challenge is Monkey See Monkey Do recreate/copy a mani that I made in the past years on my blog, it can be anything. It can be an exact recreation, but also something similar (I know not everyone has the exact same polishes or plates etc) it can also be the same design but with different colors if you like. It would be fun to post my picture together with your own. And please let me know when you did the challenge :)

It was hard to choose just 5 amazing bloggers, I love so many blogs. But I challenge:
2. Life in Color

Hope these ladies will accept the challenge <3

There is no time limit, but if you accept please let me know. And let me know when you did the challenge so I don't miss it ;)

Thanks for reading.

Have a nice weekend.


8 opmerkingen:

  1. oh my, thank you so much!!! can't wait to do that!!!

  2. Wow! It’s me who feel honored to see my Little Lillibit on your nails. I challenged you because I knew you'd make such an amazing manicure like this one. Thanks so much for this wonderful manicure and for challenging me back. I'll do my best to "copy" one of your amazing designs. Difficult task! ;-)

  3. Cute mani! And thanks so much for challenging me ♡ hope I'll have the time to do it soon!

  4. Beautiful mani!!! Thank you very much for challengin me! I hope to do it as soon as possible!!! :)
