
vrijdag 27 februari 2015

R.I.P. sweet ratty Hope ♥

Hi everyone,

Today we had to say goodbye to one of our sweet pet ratties...Hope ♥ We will miss you and also Faith and Joy will miss you. R.I.P sweet strong little girl.  

The top nails I had when we went to the Vet and when we came back I stamped her name and the tombstone :( Ofcourse I had to wear my ratty ring too.  Base Lime Crime Crema de Limon on top of that neon glow in the dark yellow from BK 02, made the cheese with a dotting tool...just making holes in it so the lighter base or my bare nail was visable and added a little darker orange/yellow on some spots. The rat and tombstone are from a no number plate from the Tedi shop Gemany. And the letters are from Nailways Back to Basics - 123ABC plate.

Thanks for reading.


2 opmerkingen:

  1. cool mani, sorry for that poor thing, it's always hard to lose a pet :(

  2. Awww im so sorry for your loss! I had a pet mouse in high school. My parents hated it! Hahah. Just remember you gave him a good life!
