
dinsdag 28 juni 2011

Awards, awards and more awards :)

I'm sorry for not blogging for a week :( My own laptop died almost a year ago, since then I used my boyfriends laptop. But that one crashed after some necessary updates from Windows Vista. I lost all my pictures since April 2011. And all my decals from August 2010 :( My dad and I wil try to get some files back hope it will work.

Anyway in the last couple of weeks I received some great awards ♥ I always feel soooo honored.

I received a couple of award from the lovely and funny Miki from ♥ OneChicBella ♥ she said they were 2 but one of them you see 3 award photo's. So they are probably 5 award :)

The first one I got is the Sunshine Award, I also got this award from the sweet Sarah from Spellbinding Nails.

Thank you both so much ♥

The rules are as followed:

- Thank the person who gave you this award
- Write a post about it
- Answer to the questions below
- Pass it on to 10 bloggers who you think really deserve it and send them message to let them know.

The questions:
  1. Favorite color: That is really difficult because I don't really have a favorite color I really like all colors, but if I have to choose I think blue.
  2. Favorite animal: I really suck in questions like these, I also love all kinds of animals, but I think I have to say Hamster and Rats because I have those 2 as pets ;) I also really have a thing for dolphins.
  3. Favorite number: 9
  4. What perfume am I using right now? Escada Taj Sunset, I have a lot of perfumes also more from Escada but this one I got from my boyfriend last week for my birthday.
  5. Something you always wear with you and identifies you: My silver Greek necklace with the Meandros sign that I got almost 10 years ago from my mom and dad. I love silver and Greece and almost never wear any other necklace.
  6. What’s your passion? My passion???? Uhmm nails and nail art ;)
  7. Getting or giving presents? I'm really weird with that, I do like to get presents but sometimes also feel kind of embarressed or something so I have to say giving. Love to give things even if they are small.
  8. What was the last eyeshadow you used? My 4 colored older brown palette from Catrice and my 88 color palette.
  9. Favorite day of the week:  Saturday, I love hanging out with my boyfriend and doing something fun.
  10. Are your nails painted right now? Yes they are almost never without nail polish (only if I just removed it) I'm wearing P2 Into Lace LE 010 Sensuality right now.
I would love to give this Sunshine Award to the following 10 lovely blogs:
  1. Giuditta's Nails and Beauty
  2. Balletbalm
  3. heartNAT
  4. Nails by Alice
  5. Concrete and Nail Polish
  6. Pixie Polish
  7. Pretty Nails
  8. Turtlechicks Nails N Tales
  9. Sugar Styles
  10. Nagelzone / Nailsszone 
The second award I got from Miki from ♥ OneChicBella ♥ is the Best Blog Award, but this one also has the photo's of the Blogger Luxery award and Inspiration Award, so I guess these 3 awards have the same rules. So I will keep them together as a set of 3 when I pass them on.

The rules for this one are:

- Link back to the person who passed you the award
- Complete the form below
- Share 7 random things about yourself
- Award 15 blogs
- Drop them a line and tell them about it

This is the form to be completed:

Name your favorite color:  I really have not one favorite color but if I have to choose I would say blue.
Name your favorite song:  Again not just one favorite song.. but the Summer of '69 from Bryan Adams always makes me happy and I want to sing along when I hear it.
Name your favorite dessert: Love all kinds of desserts but I really love fruit, so something with fruit in it.
What makes you mad?  A lot of things especially dishonesty.
When you’re upset you… :  I watch tv or cry myself to sleep. 
Your favorite pet?  My really old hamster Bowser and my 2 rats Trouble and Bubbel.
Black or white? Black, I always wear black clothes (pants or skirt) matched with bright colors on top. And ofcourse matching nail polish.
Your biggest fear is? I'm really scared of all kinds of insects and spiders especially when they are in my bedroom.
Your best feature is? I'm a good listener.
Everyday attitude: Just a normal boring dull girl ;)
What is perfection? Does perfection exist?
Guilty Pleasure: buying nail polish / nail art stuff.

The 7 random things about myself:
I already wrote 7 random things about me when I got the Stylish blogger award, you can read those things here if you scroll down: 7 random things about me.

I would love to give the next 15 blog this Best Blog Award (together with the Blogger Luxury and Inspiration Award):

  2. Spellbinding Nails 
  3. Polish Freshie 
  4. Silence is Loud
  5. Liquid Jelly
  6. Nail Crazy
  7. Oh What Fun
  8. Witoxicity
  9. Ivana Thinks Pink
  10. The Nail Addict
  11. A place for my nails
  12. Unhas Artísticas Nill
  13. Candy Coated Tips
  15. Nails, wanted!
I also got the Stylish Blogger Award from the sweet Neelai
I already received this so I am not going to follow all the rules, but I did wanted to say thank you to Neelai.
Even though I already received it, it still makes me happy and I feel honored.
You should really check out her blog: Neelai.

I also received the Top 10 Award, I got this award from Sugar Styles and the sweet Yasmin from Oh What Fun.

 The Top 10 award rules:

- Thank the person who tagged you and link to their blog.
- Put the Top 10 Award logo on your blog.
- List your top 10 cosmetics.
- Choose 10 bloggers to tag, link to their blogs, and let them know.

Top 10 Cosmetics random order:
  1. Max Factor Aqua Lash mascara: black waterproof mascara.
  2. China Glaze Octa Gone Wild: the best purple holographic polish ;)
  3. Garnier Pure Skin Shine Control Moisturizer: my day cream since my teen years and I still like it.
  4. P2 nail polish remover: the old green one with that nice Thai green coconut smell.
  5. Catrice 4 colored eyeshadow palette: before they renewed their assortment they had a pretty brown set.
  6. Max Factor cream puff powder: also my powder since my teen years ;)
  7. Greek hand creams: no particular brand but I love the Greek hand creams with Mastic or Olives in it. Most of them are made locally on the Greek Islands.
  8. Garnier Nutrisse creme no 40: my hair dye. It is just a little bit darker and more red then my natrural hair color. So you hardly see any outgrowth.
  9. P2 Diamond Shine 3 in 1: a nice base coat and also a topcoat and it is even also a nail hardner (but that I don't really need)
  10. My 88 shimmer palette: don't know if it has a brand but I love colors, and this one is really pigmented.

I would love to give this Top 10 award to the next 10 blogs:

  1. The Polished Perfectionist  
  2. Clothes Cosmetics and Chat
  3. Canadian Nail Fanatic
  4. Passion for Nails
  5. Das Experiment
  6. Neelai
  7. a1001addictions
  8. Konad Addict
  9. Nuvolat
  10. Diava's Lacquer Box
Thanks again to all those lovely ladies who gave me these awards. I think all my readers who have a blog deserve these awards too!


14 opmerkingen:

  1. thanks dear for tagging me with these award :-D

  2. Thank you for tagging me in the sunshine award! Very much appreciated!

  3. Thank you for tagging me on the Sunshine Award :)

  4. Thank you so much for the award :) I enjoyed reading your top 10 products :D looking forward to doing mine! :D

  5. Awww bedankt voor de tag meis! Leuk ingevuld.

  6. thank you diana! :) love! love! :)

  7. Thanks for the awards...!!! These ones are new for me and I love them! ^^

  8. Woehoe, leuk zoveel awards! Waardering is nooit weg toch?!
    Dank je wel voor de Top 10 award

  9. First of all, congratulations on getting so many awards! :D I enjoyed reading all those facts about you. I think it's really nice that you're faithfully wearing the Greek necklace given by your parents. It must be a beautiful one.

    Thank you so much for the award(s)! You're so thoughtful to have included me in the list. I have done these tags before (some are exactly the same, others a variation). I'm running out of facts to say about myself, so if you have the time, you can check my sidebar for this. Anyway, I appreciate the award very much! :)

  10. Dankjewel voor je award! We zullen hem binnenkort overnemen

  11. Dankjewel voor je sunshine award! Ik ben echt nog een groentje met dit soort dingen, dus vandaar de vraag: wat houdt het precies in?
    Ik voel me vereerd!
