
dinsdag 31 mei 2011

I'm back from Centerparcs

I'm back from our short break to Centerparcs Heijderbos in Holland, near the German border. We had a great time there, the weather was really nice :) We also went on our bike to Germany the look for the Essence holographic collection but too bad I couldn't find it there :( Most of the time we spent in the swimming pool, walking/biking, shopping or in the Jungle Dome. The Jungle Dome is this great indoors tropical playing jungle for kids (well as an adult you can have fun too ;)) with all kinds of animals living there. It's sponsered by the WWF. This blog post I'll show you some photo's of our short break, most of them or from the animals because I just love animals :) You can click on all photos to enlarge them.

My Centerparcs nails from my previous blog on the photo with my new friend the Toucan. He was soooo sweet we visited him everyday to pet him ♥

My boyfriend and I in front of the Centerparcs sign/logo.

Me in front of our apartment door, me walking back to the apartments in the Market Dome and we playing a game of pool :)

My boyfriend and I next to the pool table in front of the House of Games.

Like I said I'm an animal lover, so ofcourse we also visited the "childrens" petting zoo :)

A gorgeous peacock, me and the rest of my family (I see no difference I totally blend in haha), a hugeeee bunny and some little ones and this cute donkey.

There were a lot of baby goats soooo sweet :)

Some turkeys those animals are ugly and funny :)

One of the best things from Centerparcs are their subtropical swimming pools. We spent quite a few hours there each day.
Acting crazy under water (you can dive there with some goggles and watch the aquariums under water, on the other side you can see the aquariums normal so we had to take some pictures), my boyfriend on the big slide and me in the main wave pool.

Also very famous are the wild water rapids (courses), here you can see me go :) (yes my nails survived the entire week well ;))

I already told you about the Jungle Dome here a lot of pictures from it, it was one of my favourite places to go, but it was really hot in really got the idea like you were in a tropical rain forest.

Some of the animals there, gorgeous birds, big fishes, some kind of small deer and really pretty ducks (this one was hatching some eggs as you can see).

My boyfriend and I in the Jungle dome, he in a cave, me climbing some rocks and holding a sign which says DON'T FEED in Dutch and we are crazy I know ;)

There were also many pretty birds flying there.

Having fun at the rope bridges, like I said also fun for adults :)

They also let it rain inside, to make the environment realistic for the animals who live there. A real tropical rainforest.

Me sitting in a monkey chair and on this throne of the inhabitants of the rainforest.

Some flamingos and other birds.

Every morning around 10:30 it was feeding time :) Here you can see my friend the Toucan a parrot and this adorable some sort of squirrel, he walked really funny and was soo cute to watch him eat and drink ♥

I really liked the Toucan he was just tooo sweet and so soft, and as you can see he liked to be petted he closed his eyes like he was really enjoying it.

The Toucan was really tame and sat on the most crowded places, everyone petted him also children. Here is my boyfriend petting him.

Just a photo of my new friend ♥

And ofcoure I had to pet him myself too....he was soooo soft :)

Next blog will be about nails again ;)


Edit: nobody of the Centerparcs staff noticed my Centerparcs nails and I'm not the kind of person that goes showing them to everyone so I had no comments on my nails ;)

13 opmerkingen:

  1. amazing pictures, i see you had a lots of fun ;-)

  2. Oeh, je hebt vast een geweldige tijd gehad. Leuke foto's! :D

  3. Leuk park zeg, jullie hebben vast een heerlijke vakantie gehad.

  4. Wat een leuke foto's het ziet er daar echt super mooi uit! xxx

  5. Wat een leuke foto's Diana! Goed om te zien hoe jullie hebben genoten.
    liefs en groetjes vanuit Skiathos

  6. Oh Love the photos!!!! I bet the water was nice since its soo hott!!! You two look amazing <3(your gunna have to get one of those birds-or at least somethin close to it) I see you traded in your flippers for a Raiders Adventure. Aye Mate its Indiana Jones and his lovely Ms. Ravenwood!


  7. Oh wow, looks like an awesome holiday! Great nails, and I totally love the aquarium you can see from the swimming pool!

  8. Zo te zien hebben jullie je aardig vermaakt!
    Ik ben ook groot fan van de kinderboerderij ;)

  9. Oeh wat super leuk dat je weer eens een reactie achterlaat! :D

    Ik zag een paar minuten geleden die collectie maar op een andere blog, ik slaakte echt een gilletje! Kwas in eerste instantie meer verliefd op de namen dan de producten haha. Ik moet er echt wat van halen! En ja, voor zover ik gezien heb zijn die Teeez lakjes mooi!

  10. thanks for sharing with us those amazing pics!!

  11. Thank you for sharing these with us hunny!

    You look like you had a awesome holiday =)

    Hope your well

    /Mega Hugs! xxx
