
vrijdag 3 juni 2011

Landscape: spring nails from 2010

I love to make landscape/scenery nails :) That can be all kinds of landscapes: winter, summer, spring, under water etc. Today I made some summer/spring landscape nails (I'll show them after the weekend) I thought it would be fun to show my older spring landscape nails first. I made this in March 2010 I did not had a blog back then. I did wrote a guest blog on my nail friend Michelle's blog: Passion for Nails.

I stamped the base with Konad SN polishes (apple green, pastel blue, white, sky blue) while it was still wet I added some green and blue rainbow glitter on top. I stamped with imageplates C01 (Konad Coraline), M79, M66, M36 and M23 and different kinds of Konad SN polishes (white, pop green, jungle green, psyche pink, violet pearl, pastel pink, yellow).

Here a photo of just the sponge base.

I first made this idea on a huge nail tip.

I did not had any idea of I could make this fit on my own nails, I knew my nails were long but not that long or big. You can see the difference in size below ;)

Here another photo with some different light.

I'm sorry for not blogging and commenting on your blogs that much lately, last week I was on my short holiday and this week I received some bad news about my mother so my mind wasn't really in to that.

Have a nice weekend!


14 opmerkingen:

  1. Storybook nails <3 Why? do you ask? Because it reminds me or cute Winnie the Pooh landscape or a nice fairytale scene, where a princess runs merrily through a meadow. ( I SWEAR im not on lcd) You nails just take me places. *smug* I'm sorry to hear that about your mom. You are in my prays. Take all the time you need.


  2. I lovelovelove this!

    Omg i hope your moms ok sweetie - im sending my love to your and your mom and your family xxx


  3. Lovely! I bet this design took a lot of patience to do.

  4. Wat een schattige nagels. En maakt helemaal niet uit dat je geen reacties achter laat hoor meis. :)

    Ik hoop dat alles goed gaat met je moeder, heel veel succes ermee. ;)

  5. wow :O That's amazing. I love your works! :) xx

  6. Gorgeous mani, I hope your mom will be okay!

  7. Super mooi gedaan!

    Vervelend van het slechte nieuws van je moeder, begrijp dat je hoofd nu ergens anders naar staat.

  8. So beautiful, but the ones I saw on you today were even greater, you are an artist!

  9. Echt supermooi design! Zijn die nagels van jezelf?! Je nagels zijn echt mooi.
    Sterkte met je moeder

  10. Thank you all <3

    I did take some time to make, but the one I have on my nails now took even more time to make ;)

    @ Miki hahaha so funny, I love Disney en Winnie the pooh's piglet.
