
woensdag 21 november 2012

Boohoo my camera died...Piglet in the rain.

Hey everyone,
Last weekend during the World Cup speed ice skating my camera got a lens error. The lens did not wanted to go back in again. A few days before it already started to make a strange noice when I turned it on. I was hoping my dad could fix it but too bad.. my camera died :( So the next few weeks you will probably see some not so great pics :(
I do have the camera that was from my mom, but that one is not so great for taking nail pictures. It's more for filming and panorama is too advanced I guess, it doesn't have a macro button is switch to macro automaticcly but only when there is enough light otherwise is switch to night mode. Plus I am always scared I might break it too...and it was my moms so I don't know I am just weird ;) On holiday I also only took it with me on trips, not just with me everyday and to the beach and stuff.

Anyway some colors it will photograph correctly and some don't so sorry for maybe some bad pictures to upcoming weeks. I also used my boyfriend's phone sometimes for pics.
This is made with my bf's phone, my hand looks a bit blue but my nail colors are accurate.

Base OPI Cozu-melted in the sun and a bit of Nubar Absolute at the bottom. Stamped with Konad M13 and M79 and SN sky pearl. Piglet in the rain are self made water decals.
Here also some more pictures with different setting on my moms camera.
The swatches are actually not so bad color wise.

I miss my own dad has some older camera's so maybe one of them will be great for nail pics.


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