
vrijdag 23 november 2012

Snowy owl at dusk

Hi Everyone :)
Let's start by saying a really miss my camera :( Hope to have a good new one for nail pics soon.
A few weeks ago I got an email from Nail Polish Canada, they invited me to enter their 3 weeks holiday themed challenge. I always love taking part in a challenge or that kind of fun and distraction (this upcoming month even more you'll know why :( ). I also felt really honored that they invited me :) especially when I saw all the names of the amazing bloggers that also take part :) But I really love to join. This first week the theme is SNOW, so that means anything snow related.
I really love stamping and also like to combine that with some self made decals, so I decided to make Snowy owl at dusk nails :) Too bad the camera made the black a bit blue.
A white, grey, black tip gradient with P2 Ship Ahoi! 010 Pure white, Catrice C01 Pebble Beach and P2 Eternal. And Catrice C08 Have an icy day on top for the holo glitter. Stamped the big snow flakes /ice crystals with XL plate O (it's a dupe from XL plate K) the small snowflakes are from HB 23. Stamped with Konad SN white and SN black The Snowy owls on the branches are self made water decals.
Here a pic made with my boyfriends phone.
It is moreblue with that camera.
Another one from my hand (with the camera that was from my mom).
Also some pictures of the gradient tips with holo glitter topcoat.
A bit blurry so you can see the glitter.
You can still enter this challenge. And if you want to do that or see all the beautiful SNOW entries click HERE. You can also vote for your favorite entry there until November 28 :)

I am curious what the theme for next week will be :)
Thanks for reading and enjoy your weekend!

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Wauw wat een mooie! Ik keek echt even dubbel vaak, zo mooi vond ik het. Ik hoop dat je wint!

  2. So cute Diana, You are still the queen of stamping :)

  3. This is sooo beautiful Diana!!! You never cease to amaze me!

  4. This is sooo pretty, my mom would have loved this!!! Thank you for the vote...I voted for your's too :)

  5. Zo mooi ben er stil van heb nog heel.wat te leren op stempel gebied

  6. Ooohh! I absolutely love it. Owls are awesome!

  7. Omg that is fabulous!
    But... how do people do that, gradient nails? o.O
    your follower (since 2 minutes but oh your blog is fab!)
    >check out mine too? :)

  8. I`m in love with that cute (I already liked it on FB). You realy have a talent, my dear!

  9. oh my goodness! those are too cute!

  10. Amazing! Those homemade decals are adorable.

  11. This is gorgeous! You always have the most amazing manis! :)

  12. Thank you all for the super sweet comments :) xoxox

  13. Both my mom and I were going crazy over how awesome these are! We looove owls! Wonderful job!
