Hi Everyone,
Let's start by wishing all my lovely readers a wonderful Christmas (Eve). Although I don't really feel up to it, we will have to make the best of it, but I do really miss my mom :(
I made these nails Friday, I am currently busy making new Christmas nails so I just removed these ;) But these were on my nails this weekend when I went Christmas shopping with my sister to Maastricht and Valkenburg (there you have Christmas markets in the marl caves that is always very pretty). My boyfriend had to work the whole weekend :( so he couldn't come so it was a sisters only day :) It was a really fun day but we were totally soaked from the rain :( I will also show some pictures of our trip and Danbo who went with us ;) Most of the time we spent in the train..since it is a 3 hours trip from the center of Holland to the south. But my sis and I always talk sooo much that the time flies by.

Base Essence 50's girls reloaded 01 Ahoy with Golden Rose Paris magic 301 for the golden shimmer over the white base. Stamped with BM301 and SN wine red and SN green. And the Disney cuties are again self made and designed water decals. I added the bone with bow, the Christmas hat, the candy cane, the present and the tree myself.
Here another picture.
Here some pictures of our trip :)
The laser show at the bridge in Maastricht.
The shopping street with lights and also laser on top of a building.
The Maas with the laser above it <3
The otherside also with laser on the big screen.
Danbo went with us ;) He liked the laser show and "mommy" the Christmas angel is in the back ;)
After shopping in Maastricht we went to Valkenburg to visit the Christmas market inside the marl caves. At the entrance there were some Disney characters at display :)
Captain Hook with Peter Pan.
Me with Baloo bear :)
Pic without flash on night stand, this is how it really look liked...with the blue/green glow.
Totally soaked me with Pooh bear <3
Mickey, Scrooge McDuck and Goofy.
Danbo and Goofy.
And some more pictures of inside the cave.
Danbo's eyes are glowing just like all the lights :)
Danbo visited Santa and Rudolph ;)
Danbo found his own little cave inside the cave ;)
Have a nice Christmas Eve and day everyone!
Thanks for reading.